Access to Work is a government initative in the UK to help anyone with a disability or mental health condition to access work. If are eligible, you can claim a non-repayable grant for a variety of things to support you at work.
It is a bit of an admin task to apply which can be difficult for lots of us with ADHD and other neurodivergent conditions so this post seeks to explain as clearly as possible what the process is and how to apply.
The information here is correct as of May 2024 and I'll update as any changes are made.
Who is eligible?
To be eligible for an Access to Work grant, you must:
Have a physical or mental health condition or disability and you need support to get to work, or be able to do your job properly. You do not need a formal diagnosis.
Be 16 years of age or over
Be in paid work (or due to start with 12 weeks). This includes self-employment.
Live and work in England, Scotland or Wales. For Northern Ireland, see details here.
How much can you claim?
For 2023 - 2024, you can claim up to £66,000
What kind of things can you claim for?
The grant can be used to pay for things that will enable you to access work where you might not have been able to previously. For the purposes of this post, we'll just include some common things that are requested to support those that are neurodivergent but I appreciate that it's an non-exhaustive list depending on each person's individual needs.
You can request things like:
Travel support such as taxis if you find travelling difficult
Software to help with transcribing (such as Otter.AI) or to support written work (such as Grammarly)
Visual timers
Co-working memberships
Body doubling apps
Exercise memberships or equipment such as a desk treadmill to help with managing energy
A standing desk
Noise cancelling headphones
Admin support
A note about therapy
If you only want to look at support for therapy, perhaps to help manage your mental health, then you don't need to apply via Access to Work, you can reach out directly to Able Futures or Maximus who will support you for free and claim the funding directly on your behalf.
How do you apply?
You can make your application in a number of ways:
By phone 0800 121 7479
Text phone 0800 121 7579
Relay UK (if you can't hear or speak on the phone 18001 then 0800 121 7479
British Sign Language video relay service on a computer
What do I need to share as part of the application process?
The online application is in 12 parts and asks for your personal details along with the details of why you need support and what options might help you. The options for support are split into sections so you can choose things like travel, software, etc.
You'll need to add each item you'd like to request separately , save and then add the next item.
If you're employed:
You will need to add details of your employer. Employers are asked to contribute towards some of the Access to Work grant if you have been employed for more than 6 weeks. If you have been employed for less than 6 weeks, your employer does not have to contribute.
The amount that your employer will contribute depends on the number of employees that are in your company. The current contribution amounts per grant are:
0 - 49 employees
No contribution
50 - 249 employees
£500 contribution plus 20% contribution between £500 - £10,000
250 + employees
£1,000 contribution plus 20% contribution between £1,000 - £10,000
Access to Work will usually fund anything else over £10,000.
If you're self-employed:
You may need to provide your accounts if you've been self-employed for a few years, or you may be asked to create a business plan if your business is new. Canva is a great place to download a simple business plan template and they have options from a few pages to a full plan.
It might be a good idea to block out some time to put this together before your application is processed so that you have everything ready. Body doubling can be really helpful for tasks like this or you could also consider a skill swap with someone who is more experienced in this area - they could help with a simple plan and you could offer a session on something you're more skilled in?
How long does it take?
Once you've applied, the current wait time is around 14 - 18 weeks.
What happens next?
An advisor from Access to Work will be in touch to talk through your application and they may ask for more information at this stage. This might include details about the support you've requested, your disability or your work information.
You may be asked to provide quotes from service providers if you have asked for coaching, or admin support for example. You can request to work with a specific service provider, even if they are not the cheapest option.
Your application will then be assessed and either approved or declined.
If you are approved, you can set up an online account where you will be able to manage your claims. There are options for you to pay for items or coaching upfront and then claim the funding back yourself, or you can provide invoices and funding can be paid directly to providers like coaches.
If your claim is declined, you can call the helpline on 0800 121 7479 to appeal and ask for your application to be reconsidered.
Do I have to reapply each year?
Yes, you'll need to update your details and amend your claim if needed for each financial year.
And that's the basics!